Thursday, August 16, 2007


The stubborn hands of his watch refused to budge an inch more...there they stood their ground, on no-man's land, STUCK somewhere between the tenth and eleventh hour, while eddies of worldly dust and black exhaust fumes hovered over him, enervating him...testing his very patience...
Sophisticated animals in iron and steel honked away in blissful oblivion...burping contentedly now and then after satiating their thirst with a good many litres of petrol, they now strolled down the concrete unmoving sea with the air of one who has been well-fed....
I watched him from my position on top of the crumbling brick wall...i have been watching him for about five consecutive days now...his innate impatience with this lethargic life interested me..i fancied seeing him all of a sudden,riding pillion on a majestic white horse, holding on tight to rash little Life...dodging the slowly-moving mass of humanity and flying off into some exotic world....
However,what stirred my interest the most was his drastic change of facial expression the moment bus number 45 lurched to a stop before him...At once, the cresses adorning his perspiring forehead would disappear,his desperate attempts at entertaining a menacing scowl on his visage would attenuate...and an ever-so-tiny smile would take its place...
For there she would be...sitting by the gaping window on the fifth seat from the left...there she would be...and there she was today as well...with her shoulder-length jet-black sheet of glossy hair,she sat a perfect mannequin,her piercing eyes, glistening like two alluring marbles...her lucious pink lips sat pursed in concentration..not daring to pout open...the milky white skin seemed dipped in a blood-red concoction...probably, rose petals that had somehow been shredded,plummaged mercilessly in a mortar and then mixed vigorously with pure heavenly milk...
I climbed in behind him...The claustrophobic existence did nothing to kindle his anger or irritation....he just stood transfixed before her...holding on to the rusty iron-bar overhead,he swayed and stumbled occasionally to the hackneyed rhythm of the crawling bus...blissfully unaware of the rest of the grimy reeking world around him...The eyes just refused to budge...very much like the immobile hands of his watch....Time, as i chose to interpret it, had indeed stopped in its track...This sudden thudding of a pristine little heart among a junkyard of convoluted, manupulating, wicked minds shocked it...freezed it in its steps....and thus, the errily magical moment that passed in a blink, as she gave a fleeting glance to him and as he, softly but sharply drew in his breath...stood captivated in the silvery, translucent web of Time...Time will remember to scribble down the beauty of this sudden moment in its memory-book....i gave a little smile...
Today was 'the day', his eyes seemed to say...will he or will he not, win?...The long long wait...the heat,the grime..the dust,the smoke...fighting it all just to be on the same bus with her...he has to heart swelled with sudden undefined pride as i found myself cheering him on silently...

Oh!...Why hadn't she ever spared more then just a fleeting glance at him?....and oh!...why hadn't she ever trailed her mesmerising eyes from his handsome face down to his hands?...then she would have seen the tiny glittering knife grasped resolutely in those masculine hands...the knife that he used stealthily as she edged her way towards the door..the knife that seemed to take on a life of its own and made a grand gaping hole in the soft leather of her went an expert hand and out came an assortment of worldly possessions...a sleek cell phone...a beaded little purse...a gold chain and a hair-brush...the hair-brush went back in...and she alighted from the bus, feeling strangely carefree and 'light'.....


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