Monday, October 27, 2008


On nights like this one...restless summer nights, there would be the listless flipping through magazine pages, the impatient tapping of fingernails on polished glass table-tops, the loud sighs...The blades of the ceiling fan would scoop up bundles of hot oppressive air in a bear-hug...huffing and puffing in the act. Dry throats would drain the water tanks dry...Soaking wet shirts and blouses would lie face-down on prespiring backs, clinging on helplessly, refusing to let go...The nagging whine of a neighbouring air-condition would make the mercury level leap and dance...Plastic chairs cooling on the balcony after a searing afternoon in the sun, would glow a menacing red and black- a challenging glint in the eye inviting bravehearts to have a seat! The stench of burnt earth would overpower...Burnt Earth...Burnt foliage...Burnt flesh...Burnt All ! Water would break in refridgerators; a blinding flash of pain followed by silence...Metal pipes would melt, slithering sliding slipping down the sides of buildings, scraping off sheets of cement and paint with their scaly bodies, bubbling and frothing at the mouth, emmiting final exhausted hisses of defeat. The moon would turn a fine shade of orange, the spots on its face erupting into chagrined craters of seething anger....The world would gasp for water....buckets and buckets of water....Fire-engines would come charging down the streets...tubes of Burnol would be squeezed on with theatrical immediacy......

And yet....

At the end....

The industriuos Cook would still think it much more palatable to shove the platter containing the Earth swimming in red wine, into the steaming oven....!

Monday, October 13, 2008


It felt oh-so good slipping my feet into the woman's shoes!

She bunched her fist and kept shoving it deeper into her mouth- a desperate attempt at civility, giving way to sudden unguarded snorts and sneezes....

A steady stream of tears issued down her eyes. She did nothing to wipe them long as they maintained womanly be it.

Yet, i could sense Hope retreating...the soft retracing of padded feet....

And then...Euphoria!

Out of the operation-theatre rolled the stretcher-on-wheels.

The ride was over....The woman choked on her fist as a loud scream exploded out of the corners of her mouth....

Ah! It felt oh-so good slipping my feet into the woman's shoes!

And then, the sudden tap on my shoulder...."Son, we tried our best, but we just couldn't save your father..."

The discomforting silence, the shuffling of feet, the strategically-misplaced 'Welcome' sign on the door of the operating-theatre wanting an immediate all pierced through me till my brain lay scattered in a million jigsaw pieces....i made no effort to put them together....

All i did, was smile....

i smiled as my eyes started scavenging for fresh squeaky shoes...Shoes that would hold my bare feet.