Thursday, June 23, 2011


Skies respond to randomness,
To random queries of space
To random queries of space scribbled upon post-its;
Scribbled on afternoons of gaping worthlessness…
Worthlessness of a Self gone cockeyed in concentration, concentrating upon the hand-me-down flap of sky-identical blue-
A hapless flap of blue ripped from above, fluttering against Big Bully scissors, quivering in anticipation of its’ own genesis,
A one-dimensional shadow Self ballooning out with each hefty tug of baby-blue-braided fabric trailing at shadow Self’s absolute end…
Like hand-pumps’ exhibitionist exercises in obedience.
Random assertions of space,
Skies respond to them at smug Art Movements
Dog-eared-skin-shedding walls conform to form rooms… art rooms robed in arty paraphernalia that embark upon mighty voyages of confluence
Haphazard confluence of paper thighs and cardboard arms stamped into fatalistic togetherness…
With Super Glue of course!
Shadow Self basking in exaggerated existence directs spit bubbles at sky blue,
Memories of sky-identical blue flushed down tunnels of forgetfulness as shadow Self plunges into brilliantly mythical pools of brick-red-life-blood and pulsating life flesh…
But remember, skies respond to randomness,
To random forgetfulness of flimsy origins
Of brilliantly mythical originary tales sprouting in black-robed-Times Roman across the fancy face of magazines, of arty magazines contemplating Art in practiced baritone,
Of arty magazines substantiating existence, ballooning out….ballooning out paper-in-Super-Glue creations to encompass Nature. Itself.
So. Skies retaliate.
Hapless flap of sky-identical blue glued back to blue.
To sky blue.
To the thing itself.

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