Monday, February 25, 2008


Where will you love me?

Where will i love you?

Vindictive park-benches screaming urgently, 'Wet paint! Wet paint!'....

Rude rings of the cycle-bell, Tring!Tring!, making us pull away, lips, left the thirsty traveller..yet again.

Bleary-eyed streetlamps jolt themselves awake...cringing in disgust, repugnance...they flood the dark dreamy lane with nightmarish slip your land away from across my waist..i feel the one tenacious iron railing giving way...i fall.

Malevolent blades of grass beckon to us with batting green eye-lids...we sigh in relief...finally!...Our tattered little tent we thus put follow me in...'let the bud bloom just this one time'..i pray silently, my ears deaf to the hicupps of chuckle from beneath...

Slice! went the unforgiving the hungry scalpel of the surgeon, it tore through our collapsed with a defeated sigh,the smirking blades of grass denying its soul, a resting-place....

The city chased out Love ...chased it out with brutal severity, like cleansing the bowels of a lamb for purposes of its 'eternal' installation in the biology laboratory.Love,took to its heel...bewildered, hurt, tired...

I am tired are you...this loveless city of rioting bricks and warring stones has closed its blood-stained portals on us too...

So tell me,Love...

Where will you love me?

Where will i love you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the city is lovelss..your post reminds me of a time when I was in dire need of a place to love in for a day...brilliantly put shayeari!